Creating a Real-time trigger

Caravel provides a New Message Event real-time trigger that will fire once per message added to a feed. From the Automation form, choose Real-time, then add a New Message Event trigger and select the feed you wish to observe.

Creating HTTP actions

Caravel provides HTTP actions that you can use in response to a real-time automation trigger. All actions receive the action payload (below) for use in the request body. Caravel uses Handlebars templating to add dynamic content to your HTTP actions.

Defining a request body

	"feed": "{{feedName}}",
	"text": "{{{message.text}}}",
	"mentioned": "{{message.mentionedAt}}"

<aside> 💡 Use triple braces to unescape text content {{{escapedText}}}


Action payloads

Each automation action receives a JSON payload with the following properties:

message object

The message that triggered this automation, it has the following properties:

text string

Message text

sentiment string